Charles Lloyd as Special Guest will perform with Marcin Wasilewski Trio the only concert in Poland
©Dorothy Darr
The legendary American saxophonist Charles Lloyd will perform on 3rd of November 2016 as a Special Guest with Marcin Wasilewski Trio at the only concert in Poland. The concert will be held in Roma Theatre in Warsaw as a part of „Good evening jazz” cycle under the artistic supervision of Krzysztof Herdzin.
When many years ago Charles Lloyd saw Marcin Wasilewski Trio at one of performs in the United States, he said: „I’d like to play with them one day…” It took over 10 years to make His wish come true in Warsaw.
A day before the concert, on 2nd November at the Kino Atlantic will be a screening of the film „Charles Lloyd: Arrows Into Infinity” directed by Dorothy Darr- a painter, artist, Charleses Lloyd albums’ co- producer and the manager, Jeffery Morse. After the screening we invite you to a meeting with the Dorothy Darr and the Charles Lloyd, who will answer questions from viewers.
The patron of the concert is STOART Union Of Perfoming Artists and partners of the concert are: TVP Kultura, Jazz Forum, Jazz Soul, Jazz Press, Sofitel Warsaw Victoria and Universal Music Poland (ECM Records and Blue Note distributor).
Concert: Marcin Wasilewski Trio & Special Guest Charles Lloyd, November 3, 2016, 19:00, Roma Theatre in Warsaw
More details available on Facebook- click here: CONCERT
Film screening: „Charles Lloyd: Arrows Into Infinity”. After the screening- meeting with Charles Lloyd and Dorothy Darr- film director,November 2, 2016, 19:00, Kino Atlantic in Warsaw
More details available on Facebook- click here: FILM SCREENING